Upcoming Talks

We have a couple of talks coming up in relation to our current exhibition –

Sunday 7th January 2018 Making of the 1920s Elsa Dress Marian Heath Kent Costume Trust talk/workshop (4-6)

9th January 2018 Glitz and Glamour: Decorations on 1920s costume (7 for 7.30) Judith Dore Kent Costume Trust

Tickets available from the museum, £6 (£5 for volunteers and Kent Costume Trust members)

New exhibition – Deco Dress

Our next exhibition, Delving into Deco Dress, is currently being set up, and will be open to the public from Saturday 18th November.

There are a number of events planned to tie in with this exhibition, including:


27th November From the Edwardians to Thirties: the Development of Dress (7 for 7.30) Judith Dore Kent Costume Trust

9th January 2018 Glitz and Glamour: Decorations on 1920s costume (7 for 7.30) Judith Dore Kent Costume Trust

Sunday 7th January 2018 Making of the 1920s Elsa Dress Marian Heath Kent Costume Trust talk/workshop (4-6)

Children’s Events

Saturday 18th November Launch of our children’s competition: Design your own party clothes inspired by the 1920s. 
Children are asked to design party clothes inspired by the Delving into Deco Dress and Design exhibition using any medium – crayons, glitter, material, paint etc. Prizes for the best designs. Competition closes Sunday 14 January 2018.

Saturday 25th November Children’s workshop Make a 1920s party headband for Christmas

The exhibition is in conjunction with the Kent Costume Trust.