Seaside amusements, piers, pastimes and souvenirs
The small settlement of Herne Bay was quite consciously developed in the 1800s to attract seaside visitors: over the years houses were built, roads laid out and bathing machines introduced.
The first pier was built in the 1830s and had a delightful sail-driven trolley to carry luggage and passengers to and from the steamers which berthed at the ends, but it was destroyed by shipworm and storms and demolished in the 1870s.
The interim second pier was too short to house attractions or to allow steamers to call, so the third-pier (built in the 1890s) was over 1,000 metres long and could accommodate a theatre, restaurant, electric tram and landing stage.
Visit the Museum to see:
Images of people having fun on the pier
Penny licks and holiday souvenirs
A real Punch & Judy set